Nowadays, there are not many missions devoted to ultraviolet astronomy, and when the HST will stop its operations, the only flying facility purely ultraviolet will be WSO-UV (to be launched in 2024/2025). In response of the Astro2020 Decadal Survey for astronomy and Astrophysics call for white papers organised by the National Academy of Sciences and the American Astronomical Society, a total of 65 white papers recognising the importance of the development of UV facilities were sent by the community; they are listed below and the full PDFs can be found in the bulletin of the AAS.
Weisz, Daniel Near-Field Cosmology with the Lowest-Mass Galaxies Sheikh, David Method to aluminum-coat telescope mirrors in space for EUV-broadband astronomy Kopparapu, Ravi Kumar Exoplanet Diversity in the Era of Space-based Direct Imaging Missions Juanola-Parramon, Roser Solar System Science with Space Telescopes Fox, Andrew The Magellanic Stream as a Probe of Astrophysics Fox, Andrew Spectroscopic Observations of the Fermi Bubbles Ramirez, Ramses Habitable zone predictions and how to test them Fossati, Luca Ultraviolet Spectropolarimetry as a Tool for Understanding the Diversity of Exoplanetary Atmospheres Roederer, Ian The Potential of Ultraviolet Spectroscopy to Open New Frontiers to Study the First Stars Chaufray, Jean-Yves UV Exploration of the solar system Scowen, Paul Outline of Analysis Studies Conducted by NASA Cosmic Origins Program Analysis Group Members During the Past 10 Years Carpenter, Kenneth Stars at High Spatial Resolution Perlman, Eric Kiloparsec-scale Jets: Physics, Emission Mechanisms, and Challenges Zemcov, Michael Opportunities for Astrophysical Science from the Inner and Outer Solar System Neveu, Marc Investigating the Solar System’s Ocean Worlds with Next-Generation Space Telescopes Bolatto, Alberto Cold Gas Outflows, Feedback, and the Shaping of Galaxies Clarke, John Solar System Science with a Space-based UV Telescope Cartwright, Richard Exploring the composition of icy bodies at the fringes of the Solar System with next generation space telescopes Lebouteiller, Vianney ISM and CGM in external galaxies Marin, Frédéric The role of Active Galactic Nuclei in galaxy evolution: insights from space ultraviolet spectropolarimetry France, Kevin Detecting Protoplanets and Tracing the Composition and Evolution of Planet-forming Material with Large UV/Optical Observatories Toloza, Odette Understanding the evolution of close white dwarf binaries Gaensicke, Boris Evolved Planetary Systems around White Dwarfs James, Bethan Spatially Resolved UV Nebular Diagnostics in Star-Forming Galaxies Price-Whelan, Adrian Stellar multiplicity: an interdisciplinary nexus Yan, Huirong Precision measurement of magnetic field from near to far, from fine to large scales in ISM Neiner, Coralie Stellar physics with high-resolution UV spectropolarimetry Lisman, Doug Surveying the solar neighborhood for ozone in the UV at temperate rocky exoplanets Calzetti, Daniela How Do Stars Form? Open Questions on the Stellar Initial Mass Function Rau, Gioia Cool, evolved stars: results, challenges, and promises for the next decade Hodges-Kluck, Edmund How does dust escape from galaxies? Gry, Cecile Far- to near-UV spectroscopy of the interstellar medium at very high resolution and very high signal-to-noise ratio Sahai, Raghvendra Probing Strong Binary Interactions and Accretion in Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars Kastner, Joel The Early Evolution of Stars and Exoplanet Systems: Exploring and Exploiting Nearby, Young Stars Youngblood, Allison EUV observations of cool dwarf stars Williams, Benjamin Far Reaching Science with Resolved Stellar Populations in the 2020s Tripp, Todd On The Unique Value of Spectroscopy in the Deep Ultraviolet for Galaxy Evolution Studies Youngblood, Allison EUV influences on exoplanet atmospheric stability and evolution Peeples, Molly Understanding the circumgalactic medium is critical for understanding galaxy evolution Clark, Christopher Unleashing the Potential of Dust Emission as a Window onto Galaxy Evolution Tumlinson, Jason The Baryon Cycle, Resolved: A New Discovery Space for UV Spectroscopy Matra, Luca Exocometary Science Osten, Rachel Stellar X-ray Spectroscopy Addresses Fundamental Physics of Stellar Coronae, Accretion, and Winds, and Informs Stellar and Planetary Studies Kartaltepe, Jeyhan Assembly of the Most Massive Clusters at Cosmic Noon Gordon, Karl Interstellar Dust Grains: Ultraviolet and Mid-IR Extinction Curves Günther, Hans M. The fastest components in stellar jets Voit, Mark Circumgalactic Gas and the Precipitation Limit Christiansen, Jessie Understanding Exoplanet Atmospheres with UV Observations I: NUV and Blue/Optical Harman, Chester A Balancing Act: Biosignature and Anti-Biosignature Studies in the Next Decade and Beyond Wang, Q. Daniel The Panchromatic Circumgalactic Medium Hinkel, Natalie Stellar Characterization Necessary to Define Holistic Planetary Habitability Brown, Peter Keeping an Ultraviolet Eye on Supernovae Roman-Duval, Julia Metal Abundances and Depletions in the Neutral Interstellar Medium of Galaxies: the Local Volume as a Laboratory Johnson, Jennifer The Origin of the Elements Across Cosmic Time Lehner, Nicolas Following the Metals in the Intergalactic and Circumgalactic Medium over Cosmic Time Lopez, Eric Understanding Exoplanet Atmospheres with UV Observations II: The Far UV and Atmospheric Escape Thilker, David The Nature of Low-Density Star Formation Reinhard, Christopher The remote detectability of Earth's biosphere through time and the importance of UV capability for characterizing habitable exoplanets Burchett, Joseph Ultraviolet Perspectives on Diffuse Gas in the Largest Cosmic Structures McCandliss, Stephan Lyman continuum observations across cosmic time: recent developments, future requirements Hagen, Lea Spatially Resolved Observations of the Ultraviolet Attenuation Curve Garcia, Miriam Walking along Cosmic History: Metal-poor Massive Stars Bonifacio, Piercarlo Extremely metal-poor stars: the need for UV spectra Heap, Sara Understanding Cosmic Evolution: The Role of UV Spectroscopic and Imaging Surveys Airapetian, Vladimir Reconstructing Extreme Space Weather From Planet Hosting Stars
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