Bibliography : Instrumentation and Space Science

Jan 2017 - 2 Abstracts found

1.- Jan 2017 - Ap&SS - (2017Ap&SS.362...17T)

Metallicity calibration and photometric parallax estimation: II. SDSS photometry

Tunçel Güçtekin, S.; Bilir, S.; Karaali, S.; Plevne, O.; Ak, S.; Ak, T.; Bostancı, Z. F.

Keywords: Galaxy: disc, Galaxy: halo, Stars: abundances, Stars: distances
(c) 2017: Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht

2.- Jan 2017 - Ap&SS - (2017Ap&SS.362...10J)

Investigation of recurrent EUV jets from highly dynamic magnetic field region

Joshi, Navin Chandra; Chandra, Ramesh; Guo, Yang; Magara, Tetsuya; Zhelyazkov, Ivan; Moon, Young-Jae; Uddin, Wahab

Keywords: Sun: flares, Sun: magnetic fields, Sun: general
(c) 2017: Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht